Vitamin Injections

Shah Wellness and Medspa offers Vitamin B12 injections that help to boost your metabolism, energy and help you lose unwanted pounds. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin needed to maintain good health. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the normal functioning of your brain and nervous system and in the formation of red blood cells. Lack of B12 can cause you to feel tired, sluggish and serious deficiencies can lead to anemia.

Weight loss injections deliver precise doses of vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients into your bloodstream. These doses bypass your digestive system, so the nutrients are less likely to break down or become damaged. Lipotropic B-12 injections contain several components that help with weight loss.

Vitamin B-12 helps rev up your metabolism and gives you more energy. It’s particularly beneficial if your B-12 is running low and you don’t get enough of the vitamin in your diet. Lipotropic injections are helpful in weight loss because they contain added components that aid in fat metabolism.

Lipotropic nutrients (known as methionine, inositol, and choline, or MIC), are known to break down and metabolize fat. These nutrients not only help you lose weight, but provide a boost in energy so you can power through your workouts.

Vitamin B12 injections have numerous health benefits. They help improve how the body functions, boost energy levels and increases cell production. It is critical to avoid becoming vitamin deficient. These deficiencies can lead to fatigue/ weakness, weight gain, foggy thinking, poor digestion, etc. Accurate vitamin B levels are crucial to your overall health and wellness.

  • Strengthens immune system
  • Improves migraines
  • Promotes healthy skin, joints, eyes, and muscle tissue
  • Improves gut health & digestion, mental function, and mood
  • Regulates the nervous system
  • Supports proper brain function
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Aids in the production of red blood cells
  • Increases energy
Best Candidates for Treatment:
  • Vegan patients or those who limit red meat in their diets.
  • Patients looking to boost their energy or immune system.
  • Patients who travel frequently.
Complementing Treatments:
  • Vitamin B12 injections are a great add-on to any

Most patients notice an immediate spike in their energy level, so they’re more likely to stay active throughout the day. It’s common to start losing weight within your first week post-injection. Although the goal is to drop a steady one to two pounds per week, some weight loss patients lose even more when they first get started with lipotropic B-12 injections.

Dr. Shah will set you up for success by tailoring a nutrition and eating plan specifically designed for you. She will also focus on helping you find ways to get more exercise in regularly. In some cases, Dr. Shah pairs weight loss injections with FDA-approved weight loss medications to boost the injection’s effects.

Dr. Shah customizes a weight loss plan based on your needs. Most weight loss patients only need about one weekly injection. However, you may need them more or less often. It depends on your progress and how you respond to the injections.

Because vitamin B-12 is water soluble and lipotropic components are safe, you don’t have to worry about getting too much. Your system simply flushes out whatever it doesn’t need.

Book your weight loss consultation, and get started with lipotropic B-12 injections at Shah Wellness and Medspa. Schedule either online or over the phone.